Seven weeks until the Cox Providence Marathon! Seven!
This has to be my craziest marathon training cycle to date. On the home front, we have been busy. So very busy, that I haven't been thinking much about training. Everyone also got sick again, but for whatever reason the sickness didn't really impact my running much. The children have been cranky, phlegm has been flying around, and let's not forget about that sea of snot, but my running has been fine. And so, for the most part, I'm dealing well.
Last week I didn't run long, but I did have two great 10 mile workouts, one which wound up being at half marathon pace and the other was at marathon pace. This past weekend I did a 20 miler with my favorite running buddy, AM. Holy cannoli! It wound up being fast! My first three miles were around eight minute pace. Then I met up with AM, we started around 7:40ish pace, and just kept getting faster. My last 5 miles were around 7:27 pace. Now I would be lying if I said it was a super easy run, but it didn't feel too crazy hard either. I do think that AM had an easier time than me though. She is going to be kicking some serious butt when she starts racing again.
I was a bit stiff after the 20 miles and nervous that I might have run too hard (the final pace was 7:38), which would leave me feeling sick for the day and sore the following days. To my pleasant surprise, however, I didn't feel sick and I wasn't sore the next day! Phew! I hate it when I feel like I'm going to vomit, or have to walk down the stairs backwards.
With seven weeks to go, I'll probably run two more 20 milers. And then, it will be time to start tapering! Wow! Marathon training passes by fast when you're busy and sick and have kids. ;)