I've been on a blogging hiatus, but I appreciate all the comments on my last post. Because I never got around to addressing the comments, I wanted to mention a few things here. First, it seems a few other pregnant runners have the same calf tightness issue as me. I wonder if that's a common problem among pregnant runners and what might actually cause it? Maybe the big belly and the shift in center of gravity? There was also a question regarding if Nick and I run the same pace. And the answer is sort of. He really only runs easy, but his easy pace is what my easy is suppose to be. (If I run by myself I have a tendency to run faster than my paces dictate I should). As result, we make good running partners. Lastly, Michelle kindly offered to read my ultrasound (for the boy/girl debate) if I had the prized picture, but alas I don't. I did have another ultrasound last week though and the technician said "looks like a girl." I tried to look for the hamburger or turtle, but I don't know...I think I saw a hamburger (girl). I guess we'll know for certain in about 5 weeks.
Above you can see a picture of me at 34 weeks pregnant. Wow, I'm 8 months pregnant! That's just so crazy to me. Last time around, I had to stop running around 8 months because I was having asthma issues, but I don't seem to be having any breathing problems this time around. So yay, me!
I know I haven't blogged in a while, but I've still been running. The last couple weeks (instead of blogging) I've been in full on nesting mode, where I've been getting everything ready for the baby. Being the engineer that I am, I made a thorough baby to-do list that had 50-60 items on it. Everything but 3 - 4 items has been completed. Yes, we're now ready for the baby, I think. I partly wanted to get things done early because Kaylee's birthday is at the beginning of August and I want to be able to focus on that rather than baby stuff.
Okay, okay, I'll tell you about my running now. I'm getting slower. You can see my progressively slower paces in the chart below. Yes, I make charts of this stuff. People like me do that. Anyway, I'm still super fast compared to my last pregnancy. At this point last time around, I had to stop running, and the month prior to that I was averaging 10:20 pace. Needless to say, I'm pretty pleased with myself. To be honest though, running is actually easy when compared to chasing around a toddler while pregnant. I go to a parent/child Little Gym class with Kaylee and that's harder than running. They want me to hop around, gallop, and touch my toes. I can't even see my toes. How am I suppose to touch them?
Anyway, that's where I'm at...still running, getting ready for the final stretch of being pregnant, and planning Kaylee's birthday. Good stuff.
Training Journal 6/28 - 7/04
Total Miles Run: 50
Total Time Running: 7:40
Average Running Pace: 9:12
Training Journal 7/5 - 7/11
Total Miles Run: 40
Total Time Running: 6:07
Average Pace: 9:10
Total Miles Walked: 7
Average Pace: 16:00
Training Journal 7/12 - 7/18
Total Miles Run: 40
Total Time Running: 6:12
Average Pace: 9:18
Total Miles Walked: 9
Average Pace: 16:00
Yay for a post from Katie and baby! You look beautiful, love the belly! Glad you are still running strong. Your mileage and pace are STRONG! I think the tight calves are a combo of extra weight (fairly sudden) and change in the center of gravity. Most women complain of that, and for some it becomes an Achilles issue. I wonder whether compression socks might help, though with these hot temps and being pregnant they might not be an option. So a few more months for you...getting closer to the taper and the finish line!
Wow, you ARE pregnant! You look awesomely fit and strong and happy! Congrats on your fitness, it won't be long now and you'll be rocking your little one in your arms and in the jogger!
You really look beautiful. I am sitting here thinking over your calf problem and am thinking something related to the feet, such as needing larger shoes due to swelling in your feet. I didn't experience it. I'll let you know if I have any bright ideas.
I probably should have mentioned this first, but that is one of the coolest graphs I've ever seen. You are still running really fast. I am surprised you haven't experience more of a drop off. I am quite happy for you and hope you continue to run until the big day :).
You look amazing!!! So cute! It also amaze me how fast you still are! Way to go! Less than 3 weeks from now you will be considered full term, so it may be sooner than 5 weeks.
Hi Katie,
Damn, I wish I looked that good when I was preggers! You look fantastic:) Way to keep up your miles...in just a few weeks you will be running with no baby in the tummy:)
Take care of yourself!
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