Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yesterday I turned 33

Oh, and like thousands of people ran Boston, the oldest annual marathon, in record high temperatures. But turning 33 is a big deal too. Right? Right!? ;)

Congratulations to all you tough cookies out there! I had some typically super fast friends that didn't break four hours yesterday at Boston, so I'm thinking it was one heck of a day to run. And though, it may not have yielded PR's, I'm sure there are plenty of war stories to share for years to come.

Speaking of marathons, Providence is 19 days away! I'm officially tapering, and not injured! After following Boston yesterday, I am hoping that it's not ridiculously warm at Providence. Though, even if it is going to be warm, it probably still won't be as bad as Boston. Start time is at 8:00, unlike Boston where the start is a lot later (and therefore warmer). In fact, I ran my last 20 miler yesterday, and it wasn't so bad. I left a little after 8:00 when the temperature was just under 70 degrees, and returned just before 11:00 when the temperature was hitting 80 degrees. Warmer than I would like, but workable. I didn't run super fast. I ran as slow as I had to for the run to be easy, which wound up being 8:31 pace. It was also an extremely hilly course. Overall, I'm pleased. I'm actually happy that I had the opportunity to run a long run in some warmer temperatures. My previous three 20 milers were run at temperatures around 40 degrees (and lower), and obviously it's not going to be that cool on race day.

Here I am after 20 miles and having just turned 33!

This training cycle hasn't been perfect, but still may be my best to date. I've run four 20 milers, managed to incorporate speed work, and am injury free! My peak week was only around 50 miles. I would have liked that 50 miles to be 60 miles, but still, adding speed work into my marathon training is (for me) a big deal.

I'm looking forward to tapering and getting excited to run my 5th marathon in 19 days! I also may run a 5K this upcoming weekend. I haven't decided. I know AM is running a 5K in Cambridge, which is tempting because I think we would make a great team for at least the first mile or two, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up after running a 20 miler yesterday. (My 5 mile recovery run today was more difficult than expected, though it was 80 degrees again so that probably didn't help.) There's also a more convenient 5K that I could run (if I just want to get in some speed). We'll see...

Just to throw in a random tidbit, one of my birthday gifts from Nick was the first season of Mad Men on Blu Ray. We watched the first two episodes last night, and it was captivating! (Though it did make me want to punch the main character a number of times for his sexist remarks.) I am so glad that it's not the 1950's...I mean in the 1950's women couldn't even compete in marathons! I can't even imagine what that was like. ;)


Ana-Maria RunTriLive said...

My 5K is in Somerville:) Sunday! I am actually tapering for it, which means that if I screw up, I have no excuses, LOL. You peaked at 50 miles/week, but those were some quality 50 miles. I think you are going to do awesome. I might do a HM the same day, and will channel your strength:)

Mad Men. I love that show. I had the same reaction when watching the first season. But it gets interesting and you do see that women are running the show from behind, just not overtly. Really interesting times. V good show:0

Miss you! Hope to do some running together this summer. Happy tapering:)

Raina said...

Happy Birthday!

Glad you got in a good warmer-weather run! Heat acclimation is something I don't have much of an opportunity for, and hopefully won't need.

I am getting excited for your race! It's coming soon :)

Katie said...

@AM: So excited for your 5K! I really don't think I could keep up with you for the race. My legs are trashed from my long run. It must have been harder than I thought. And it would be great to run over the summer! Maybe we can find some more 5Ks!

@Raina: Thanks! I'm super excited for your race too! I know you hit a bump in the road with your knee, but it seems you've sprung right back!

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Way to celebrate with 20 hot miles!!

So now it is only 18 days!!! Woohoo! So awesome to see you tapering and uninjured and sounding excited!! You've done some SUPER speed and SUPER long runs and I am am SUPER pumped to see how this race pans out for you! I'm betting VERY WELL!!!

Kat (Eating The Week) said...

Happy bday! Holy heat on Monday, Batman. I watched in Natick Ctr, and the folks coming through there (~10.5 miles in) already looked like they did at mile 18 where I watched in 2011.

So impressed with your training! My "just finish without crawling" plan had me do just 1 20 miler (wherein I managed to break my finger) in a peak week of just 40 miles. If I ever lose my mind & try to do another marathon, I'd love to be able to train near your level.

Katie said...

@Jenn: Thank you!

@Kat: I did read about your broken finger! That was bad luck. For, my first marathon I peaked at 40 miles and only did one 18.5 miler. By the time I hit 20 miles (on race day), I had to alternate walking and running, but I still ran a 3:51 and didn't hurt myself. So I think you'll be good to go!

Kat (Eating The Week) said...

@Katie ...so long as I don't trip ;)

Encouraging to hear about your 1st marathon. I won't break 4:00, but I do feel confident about 4:15 or so w/the same walk/run strategy after 18-20 miles.

Lindsay said...

happy belated birthday! and happy taper? is that possible? lol :)

Susan said...

Awesome, you are so encouraging!

I run too and I love health. I know of this website called: www.all-smoothie-recipes.com it's great if you want to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet. Anyway, I thought you might like it.

Thanks again for posting. You're awesome - keep it up!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday! And congrats on the successful training cycle.

NY Wolve said...

Good luck in Ptown! Love earlier starts too.