Let's see what is there to say about 2010? Well, I spent most of it pregnant. I was pregnant from January until the end of August. I took most of September off from running to recover from the birth, and by October I was back at the hamster wheel. I raced my first and last race of 2010 on Thanksgiving, where I ran a 5K in 20:25. I was pleased with my only race of the year. Emily had just turned 3 months old and I had only been running for 2 months.
I wound up running a total of 1942 miles for 2010, which is an average of 37 miles a week. That 37 miles a week assumes 52 weeks, given that I took 4 weeks off I really averaged 40 miles a week. Cool beans. Not as much mileage as some, but in 2010 I was able to consistently run with no injuries! I haven't done that in years! After college, I didn't think I could run more than 30 miles a week without getting hurt. And last year I did 40 miles a week while pregnant and 20 plus pounds heavy! For me that's amazing.
Overall, it was a great year. I had a healthy baby girl, ran lots of miles, and stayed healthy. It doesn't get much better. I also had the opportunity to run several races with my mom, which was awesome. I so badly wanted to participate in races, but didn't want to race while pregnant. Running with my mom was a sweet deal. I've never run a race without actually racing before, so when we'd go to races I'd look at her times and make goals for us (without telling her of course). We ran a half marathon together when I was 13 weeks pregnant and it was a great time.
Now what's in store for 2011? I don't do New Year's resolutions, so I don't have one to share. I do have some goals though. I actually made these goals while pregnant. Here were/are my post preggo running goals:
- Turkey Trot 5K, November (goal 21:45)
- Hampton Half Marathon, February (goal 1:40)
- Providence (COX) Marathon, May (goal 3:40)
- Chelmsford 4th of July 2 miler, July (goal: 12:40)
- Moose on the Loose 10 miler, August (goal: 1:12)
- BayState Marathon, October (goal: 3:30)
And completely off topic, we finally have a family picture with Emily! She's sleeping in it, which is ironic because she never ever naps. Anyway, happy new year everyone!