I mean duct tape was good enough to get MacGyver through 139 life threatening situations, so it should be good enough to cure some insignificant little pain before a marathon. Obviously. (Anyone else ever watch MacGyver? I loved that show!) Getting back to the cure all tape, I once saw an episode of King of the Hill, where Peggy Hill used duct tape to both tape up her butt and make her feet smaller! Poor Peggy Hill you were beautiful before the duct tape! Also, I've heard that duct tape can remove warts...Interesting. What's the lesson here? Tape can solve your problem...
Okay, maybe tape can't solve your problem, but I have had good luck using something called KT tape in the past. I've used it during a time when I was having some Achilles tendinitis issues, during times when my IT band was irritated, and now for my arch. Does it cure all my issues? Not really, but it has helped (along with doing the normal the rest, ice, compress, elevate stuff). Will I run the marathon with KT tape? No. I did run with KT tape last year on my knee, which worked out fine, but the risk of the tape coming loose in my shoe and causing blisters is too great with a taped arch. Mostly I'm using it to provide some extra support and rest this week leading up the big day.
With 7 days left, it's time to start stalking the weather. Today's prediction for race day? High of 62 with chance of showers. Now for those of you who were unfortunate enough to run Boston in like 90 degree heat, don't worry 7 days is still a long time. There's plenty of time for the weather to go awry. ;)